The second meeting is in ALBI,FRANCE

14.11.2013 1974

The second meeting is in ALBI,FRANCE

   Preparations In Turkey;

  Logo contest was held among the students in our school.The winner of the contest prepared a presentation about her logo.

Here is her presentation :


We printed them on horizontal A4 paper in jpg to eliminate all fitting problems.




We prepared a pedagogical card  to discuss about it in Albi.

 Here is ours;




In Albi;

First step:

The seminar started with the logo contest.  We decided that each delegation gave 2 points to their favourite logo and 1 point to their less favourite one. All the delegations had to print their logos according to the desired features before coming.

The presentation was performed by one or 2 of the students of each delegation .It started in alphabetical order of the countries. The logo was displayed on the screen and they explained how they worked, what inspired them and what they wanted to suggest.

All the copies were presented on the board to have a look. We could see that all the countries were very creative and each one had a very personal inspiration. 

These logos  were prepared by the students for the competition;




 Here is the logo which won the contest .It was designed by Lithuani Tomas Kvetenis . 

Congratulations Tomas .




From now on we are using it on every document which is related to BlueRibbon.

Second step :

    We discussed how to prepare the pedagogical card .Guiliana told it  is a tool for teachers, to prepare and evaluate the work. It´s also a tool for dissemination because it can be used by other teachers in other contexts.

   We decided that every team  could  prepare different pedagogical card according to their needs.(We have to prepare two.)

    Third step:

       There is a surprise for the students. They will visit the city centre by groups of 4 or 5 to make a treasure hunt. It consists in finding different places of interest in the town and answering questions in order to discover a famous name.

  Here it is



     Each student has to bring 1 or 2 photos from Albi with a small text, all the delegations will elect their favourite in Portugal.

       At the end of the meeting a tv reportage was broadcasted.Here is a link of that reportage.



Some photos from France;