03.01.2013 1456


Title: 'Blue Ribbon' – European waterways as cultural infrastructures.

Acronym: BlueR

   All the partner countries participating in this project are supposed to provide their own history of events, vicissitudes, achievements and destiny tied to their rivers, canals and waterways in general, here visited as a fundamental aspect for the origin of the European landscape and a co-builder of its history and memory.

   ´Blue Ribbon´ with a high cultural, social and economic value that characterises Europe  by creating a deep cultural sense of belonging and recollections.

   Water seen as the origin of settlements, activities, communication, urban and agricultural landscapes featuring different territories. A route, a communication network and a way of contacts, exchanges, ties and connections.

   Along these networks of waterways there are landmarks (icons) of identities strongly shaped and tied to the territory, and part of its historic, economic, religious development. 

   The main topic enhances a cross-curricula exploration of the landscape and its network of waterways as elements of natural and cultural infrastructure. Many school subjects (history, geography, economics, urban design, architecture, history of art) and artistic visual aids are involved.

   The main objective is to realize a ´topic mapping´ to focus a series of meaningful landmarks along the waterways in order to state the fundamental importance in history of the waterways in the creation of both landscapes and cultural-social-economic identities of communication and exchange.

The pair ´communication and exchange´ is vital in all cultures and the landscape witnesses it.

The general framework will enclose a MOSAIC (Blue Ribbon Mosaic) as the conceptual and formal synthesis of the project.

On this website you can find the followings related to the project,

·         * The school presentation

·         * Logo presentation

·          *2 pedagogical cards

·          *The applications of these cards;

*                The students'  presentations

*                The booklets

·         *  Study case

·         *TV interviews

    * Photos 

Aim of the Project: European waterways as cultural infrastructures.

Water culture as origin of the European landscape,  history and  memory.

The coordinator of the Project:Italy

The partners of the Project: Lithuania ,France,Portugal ,Spain,Hungary,Turkey

    This project lasts two years (September 20012-June 2014). The first meeting was held  in Lithuania on 10thseptember, 2012.